Posts by NJ Shelsby
Is Your Career Ruining Your Relationship?
I just got off the phone with a client. She is a self-described workaholic and blames this for the collapse of her first marriage. Now she’s in a new relationship … and she can feel that her fiancé is getting fed up with her. When she’s not at the office, she’s constantly checking email and…
Read MoreTired of The Battle to Keep Your Desk Organized?
OK, you know that if your desk was more organized, you’d be more productive. And every so often you make time to clear it off…but within a day or two, it’s all cluttered up again. If your desk is chronically cluttered, here’s the reason why: It’s because of the programming in your brain. Your brain…
Read MoreSo You Think You Have Too Much to Do?
Having too much to do is not the real problem. Almost all of us feel that pressure of all there is to do. It feels so overwhelming. There’s no way to get it all done. We complain about how much we have to do. If only there was less to do, everything would be better.…
Read MoreWhy the 80/20 Rule Doesn’t Work
Productivity experts around the world have touted the magic of the 80/20 rule. Basically, the rule states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. So if you can eliminate the 80% that provides little results and focus on that key 20%, you can create much more value for your time. In…
Read MoreFundamentals to a Fulfilling Life — Assessment
There are Five Fundamentals to a Fulfilling Life. Take the assessment below to find out where you stand in each of these 5 key areas. Score 1 point for every “yes” answer. Health ☐ Do you sit at your computer all day with little or no exercise? ☐ Do you drink coffee, coke, or energy…
Read MoreTo Buy An Apple Watch … Or Not
I’ve been addicted to gadgets to help me be more organized for ever. It’s been a lifelong struggle to manage the increasing flow of information. The lure of the technology gadgets is so seductive. I want an Apple Watch so bad I can taste it. Just the simple feature of being able to glance at…
Read MoreThe downside of working long hours
I was raised with a strong work ethic. Meaning I was taught to value working hard over playing. I took the lesson to heart. Earlier in my career, I worked in a fast paced environment where there was always more to do than there was time to do it. I started my work day at…
Read MoreHow well are you aging?
Working with kids fresh out of college at Microsoft in my 40’s, I felt old and slow. I remembered working at Allied Signal in my 20’s and having a razor sharp brain that learned things lightning fast. I was known for my memory and could recite military spec part numbers and recall conversations from meetings…
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