3 Habits I Changed to Stop Wasting Hours on Emails

3 habits to stop wasting time on email.

I have a confession to make…  Email has been a struggle for me. The emails just never stop coming in. I often find myself opening the same email over and over again, avoiding taking action on it… I could sit down and spend an hour going through my email looking for what is important and…

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3 Quick Email Automations To Save You Time

Time Saving Email Tips

How often do you find yourself opening your inbox, telling yourself it’ll just be a quick check—and before you know it, an hour has slipped by? It’s like walking into a bakery, surrounded by the smell of fresh pastries, and trying not to indulge. You know you should be focusing on the high-impact tasks that…

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How to Avoid Burnout While Running an Online Business

Running your own business has always been challenging. But today’s online business owner has an additional challenge… their “office” is integrated with everything they do. Pick up your phone to check the weather, and there’s work. Pull out your phone to calculate the tip for dinner, and there’s work. You have an endless list of…

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10 Chrome Extensions To Manage Your Time and Stay Focused

Have you ever watched the I Love Lucy episode where Ethel and Lucy worked in a Candy factory? Utter chaos ensues as they try to wrap chocolate speeding by on the conveyor belt without missing any (which they inevitably do).  Working in today’s digital world can leave you feeling like that everyday – overwhelmed by…

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3 Ways to Increase Your Motivation in a Crisis

It can be difficult to feel like you can show up for your business during a pandemic. One of my clients expressed that she wasn’t sure how to build her motivation during this time. I gave her, and now you, these tips to help you increase your motivation so you can give your business your…

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Staying Productive When Working From Home

I know many business owners, particularly parents, are struggling to work from home right now. Luckily, there are a few tips you can follow to help get you work done. Watch this video to learn more! Be sure to leave a comment below if you’ve enjoyed this video! NJ ShelsbyToo often, women feel like they…

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4 Tips to Find Trustworthy Information

Are you tired of feeling like you can’t trust information? Our decisions, whether personal or business, are only as good as our information. I’ve found several means to help filter and find reliable data. I’d love to hear your experience with using these tips! Be sure to leave a comment below. NJ ShelsbyToo often, women…

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Digging in Deeper to Grow Your Business

Does it feel like you’re taking all the right steps for your business and seeing none of the payoff? I’ve seen this happen for many clients. When we start to dig deeper, we find that other barriers are at play. If this is something you feel like you’ve experienced, leave a comment below! NJ ShelsbyToo…

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