
Veronica Baca

Clutter coach with


NJ worked a minor miracle and added hours of productivity to my day. Even though I knew that my day was being derailed by checking my phone first thing in the morning, I just couldn’t break the habit. I was afraid that I was “missing something” and I had this compulsion to check in and see what was going on. What was supposed to take 2 minutes turned into an hour of replying to emails and commenting on social media posts. That one habit was throwing my whole day off. It’s amazing that in just 30 minutes of working with NJ the habit was gone. The Neuro-Focus Shift Method took away the compulsion and re-oriented me. Now I start my day right … setting my priorities, without losing an hour … while my phone is charging in another room. I haven’t missed anything and I’m more productive than ever.




Kirsten Verdi

Verdi Portraits


I was overwhelmed by all there was to do.  I would spin from one thing to the next, not making as much progress as I would like.  With just 3 sessions with NJ, I feel more grounded.  My income has increased, my business feels much easier, and my family time has greatly improved in quality and quantity.



Tina Koch

Project Manager

I lived my day in email, caught up in the cycle of fighting fires.  After a 30 minute session with NJ, using her Neuro-Focus Shift Method, my compulsion to check email constantly was erased. I was truly amazed at how immediately effective her technique is and I now feel equipped to take charge of my day instead of being in reaction mode.



Ann Marie Gill

Owner & Web Designer

Cascade Valley Designs

I have been struggling in my business for years, always working FOR my clients and never making the time to work on my own business.  This has caused me to only move in circles, make mistakes and feel very drained instead of getting ahead and moving forward.

I wanted help to gain the confidence and tools needed to point myself and my business in the right direction.  That is when I found NJ Shelsby and hired her as my business coach.  Having worked unsuccessfully with coaches before, I was afraid my coaching investment would be a failure again.  NOT THIS TIME!  NJ was strong yet patient and helped me recognize the actions I had been taking to sabotage my time and my business from succeeding.  She opened my eyes to the excuses I was making and the fears I was ignoring.  Her patience and clarity has helped me tremendously find the time to build the business I have always wanted.

This year my company is making more than any other year since it started 15 years ago. Most importantly my goals and dreams are more attainable than they ever have been because of the cobwebs NJ has helped me clear out of my own way.

If you really want to make a change and a difference in your business, I highly recommend making a commitment with NJ who is driven, passionate, honest and dedicated to your success.  There is no one better.



Terra Joy

Joy Accounting Services

I was having a hard time accomplishing the tasks I set out to do each day because my day would easily become dominated by the tyranny of the urgent that would come in many forms: emails, texts, calls, instant messages.  NJ helped me to come up with strategies to take my day back by turning of all the notifications of those messages and only checking them periodically.  She also helped me to set better boundaries with my clients and reset expectations to not be available 24/7 immediately.