Reclaim Your Time and Live Life on Your Terms

Imagine waking up each day with a deep sense of calm, knowing you have a clear plan that allows you to tackle your priorities without the usual chaos.

By mid-afternoon, you confidently shut down your computer, knowing that you’ve accomplished what truly matters, ready to enjoy the rest of your day guilt-free. 

As a mom and business owner, this isn’t just a dream—it’s your reality waiting to happen.

You Can Unlock This Transformation in Just 4 Weeks!


"NJ came along and somehow "found" more time in my day.

I was at a point in my business where I was scrambling to get everything done for my clients and wishing there were far more than 24 hours in a day. I was exhausted and working my butt off, yet still feeling like I wasn’t achieving much. The worst part was that I didn't have any time to focus on marketing and growing my business. Then NJ came along and somehow "found" more time in my day. She mapped out a strategy that has freed me up to kick major butt on client projects  AND still have time to grow my own business. Thank you, NJ!”

– Pam L.



Imagine seeing a dramatic shift in how you manage your time and tasks within just days of starting the program.

The Time Freedom Accelerator isn’t just about learning new strategies—it’s about implementing them quickly and effectively, so you start seeing real results fast.


Over the next month, the Time Freedom Accelerator will help you transform stress and anxiety into clarity and focus, providing you with proven strategies to get more done in less time.

You'll end your days feeling accomplished and at peace, feeling more in control than ever before.


Day 1
Clarity and Focus

Right from day 1, you’ll start identifying the distractions and inefficiencies that have been holding you back. By the end of the first week, you’ll already feel more in control with a newfound clarity in how you manage your time and focus.

Week 1
Regain Hours Each Day

By the end of week 1, you’ll discover how much time you’ve been wasting on unimportant tasks. Imagine wrapping up your workday hours earlier, with more accomplished than ever before.

Week 2
Transform Chaos into Order

In week 2, you’ll take charge of your to-do list, turning what used to be an overwhelming flood of tasks into a clear, manageable daily plan. You’ll see the difference in your productivity almost immediately.

Most programs take months to deliver results, but the Time Freedom Accelerator is designed for fast, impactful change. You don’t have to wait to see a difference in your life—you’ll feel the shift in just a few days, and by the end of the program, your daily routine, your focus, and your productivity will be unrecognizable.



This isn’t just another course—it’s your fast track to a more organized, focused, and fulfilling life.

Don’t waste another day in overwhelm. The Time Freedom Accelerator will help you reclaim your time and start living life on your terms—right now.


You started your business for freedom, flexibility, yet here you are, buried under an avalanche of tasks. It’s not just the work that’s overwhelming - it’s the constant pressure, the feeling of being pulled in a thousand directions.

Each day, you’re overwhelmed by the day to day demands of running your business—answering emails, managing clients, putting out fires, handling social media, creating content, marketing… The list keeps growing, and there’s never enough time to tackle it all.

You find yourself bouncing from one incomplete task to the next, unsure where to even begin. Every day feels like a scramble, and with each passing hour, you feel more scattered and defeated. 

The result?

  • You’re not getting enough done
  • Your big goals are stuck on the back burner 
  • AND you’re exhausted from being busy AF all the time

The freedom you dreamed of seems further away than ever.

It’s no wonder you sometimes think a J.O.B. might be easier.

But it doesn’t have to be this way...

I know exactly how it feels. Every morning, I’d start with the best intentions, but by noon, I was drowning in emails and distractions. Despite all my hard work, I wasn’t making progress where it mattered most. 

The breakthrough came when I realized it wasn’t the volume of work that was holding me back - it was my scattered focus… 

And just like baking bread, productivity requires the right recipe and ingredients in the right balance. When you get that balance right, you can actually accomplish more, work fewer hours, and enjoy less stress.

That’s why I created a 4 week, laser-focused program designed to take you from overwhelmed to in control. Starting September 24th, this is your chance to reclaim your time and live the life you’ve been working so hard for.



The Time Freedom Accelerator


The Time Freedom Accelerator is your 4-week “recipe” to an in-control life, specifically designed for mothers and digital entrepreneurs who are sick of being busy AF and want to enjoy life again. 


Fast forward 4 weeks from now. It’s 2 p.m., and you’re shutting off your computer with a smile. You’ve accomplished everything you set out to do, and now your evening is free for what truly matters - your family, your hobbies, your life.

You’re no longer overwhelmed, no longer stressed—just in control, confident, and at peace. That’s the reality waiting for you with the Time Freedom Accelerator.

Feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list is exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be your reality. The Time Freedom Accelerator will help you replace overwhelm and dread with a feeling of peace and control so you can finally get more done in less time. 

I know it feels like you don’t have time to even think about a program like this. But imagine the peace of being back in the driver’s seat. The Time Freedom Accelerator will help you breathe easier, focus better, and thrive in your business and life.

If you don’t invest the time to establish boundaries, create effective systems, and improve your focus, things will never change. 

How much longer can you afford to stay stuck in this exhausting cycle, watching your health, happiness, and success slip further away?

Imagine starting each day with crystal-clear focus, tackling your to-do list with purpose and precision.

Picture the satisfaction of wrapping up your work hours earlier than ever, with every key task crossed off and the rest of the day wide open for what you truly love. With the Time Freedom Accelerator, you’ll experience this and more.

Ann Marie Gill

Meet Productivity Expert: NJ Shelsby

Hi, I’m NJ (short for NormaJean), and I’ve been exactly where you are—caught in the endless grind. But after years of trial and error, I discovered how to reclaim my time and focus. I began getting my work done in just four hours a day—yes, really—and finally had the freedom to tackle the big projects that truly moved the needle.

Things still occasionally get crazy, but now, when the chaos of life starts creeping in, I know exactly what to do to quickly regain control.

 And now I’m passionate about helping other women go from overwhelmed, overworked and overstressed to feeling peace and in control.

I’m so excited to personally host the Time Freedom Accelerator program, and I can’t wait to see the transformation you’ll experience. You deserve to live a life where you can accomplish more without the stress and overwhelm. Let’s make it happen—together.

– NJ

NJ Image Vertical

Research shows that people have more success with longer frameworks than with shorter cycles. So, I’ve broken this program into 3 modules over 28 days.

Here’s what you get:

3 Live Training Sessions that dive deep into the core pillars of time freedom, providing you with the tools you need to regain control of your days.

4 Group Coaching Calls for personalized support and troubleshooting as you implement what you’ve learned.

✓ Access to a support group of like-minded businesswomen.

✓ An array of workbooks, wallpapers, and other resources.

✓ PLUS 6 free bonuses.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

  • We kick off with a special pre-work bonus call on September 20th, designed to help you create more time and mental space even before the program officially begins.
  • The first module will be on September 24th, followed by the second module on September 27th.
  • After you’ve had some time to implement these strategies, we’ll regroup for a coaching call on October 1st to address any challenges and fine-tune your approach.
  • The third module will be on October 4th, rounding out the core training.
  • To ensure you’re fully supported, you’ll also have access to three additional coaching calls dedicated to helping you implement and integrate everything you’ve learned.

Each step is carefully structured to guide you toward real, lasting transformation.

Module 1: Create Boundaries to Focus
(4-hour class)

  • Uncover the Invisible Focus Thieves: Discover the subtle distractions that silently steal hours from your day and learn how to eliminate them for good.
  • Master the Art of Digital Boundaries: Implement strategies that put you back in control of your devices, turning them from productivity killers into powerful tools for success.
  • Turn Off Notifications Without Missing a Beat: Learn how to silence the noise without fear of missing important updates, so you can work deeply and efficiently.
  • Unlock Hidden Time by Protecting Your Focus: Implement systems that safeguard your most productive hours, revealing extra time you didn’t know you had.
  • Resist Digital Temptations with Ease: Discover the secret tools that make it effortless to stay on task, even when your phone and inbox are begging for your attention.
  • Transform Your Work Environment into a Distraction-Free Zone: Create a space where deep focus becomes your natural state, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.
  • Break Free from the Compulsion to Constantly Check Your Devices: Finally escape the cycle of distraction and reclaim your mental clarity and peace of mind.

Module 2: The Task Tamer
(4-hour class)

  • Simplify Your Task Overload: Learn the secret to distinguishing between tasks, routines, and projects so you can finally manage your workload with ease.
  • Discover Your Hidden Task Channels: Identify every source of incoming tasks—some might surprise you—and streamline them into manageable funnels.
  • Turn Chaos into Clarity: Transform your overwhelming list of tasks into a clear, prioritized plan for the day, so you always know what to tackle next.
  • Break Down Big Projects into Bite-Sized Actions: Learn how to dissect even the most daunting projects into simple, actionable steps that fit seamlessly into your daily routine.
  • Master Your Morning with a Focused Routine: Set up a morning ritual that primes you for productivity, ensuring your day starts with clarity and purpose.
  • Create an End-of-Day Shutdown for Peace of Mind: Establish a powerful end-of-day routine that helps you clear your mind, wrap up loose ends, and step away from work feeling accomplished.
  • Experience the Magic of Task Funnels: Discover how to funnel tasks into “approved task buckets,” so nothing falls through the cracks, and your to-do list becomes your secret weapon for success.

Module 3: Information Mastery
(3-hour class)

  • Say Goodbye to Floating Papers Forever: Implement a system that organizes all your notes in one place, eliminating the clutter and chaos of random scraps of paper.
  • Create Your Ultimate Productivity Dashboard: Build a personalized dashboard that links to everything you need, so you can access all your essential information with just one click.
  • Batch Your Ideas with Ease: Set up lists for everything from books you want to read to software you want to check out, keeping your ideas organized and actionable.
  • Master Project Information Management: Create dedicated pages for every project, ensuring that all related notes, documents, and resources are neatly organized and easy to find.
  • Unlock the Power of a Centralized System: Discover how having all your notes, lists, and project details in one place can dramatically boost your efficiency and reduce stress.
  • Transform Your Workflow with Seamless Organization: Learn the secrets to setting up an information management system that keeps you focused and in control, no matter how many tasks or projects you juggle.
  • Experience the Clarity of a Streamlined Workspace: Finally, free your mind from the clutter of scattered notes and ideas, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing everything you need is at your fingertips.

Your Free Bonuses!

And because I’m committed to your success, I’m offering 6 exclusive bonuses, tailored to fast-track your transformation. But these bonuses won’t be available in future cohorts—so now’s the time to take advantage.


A 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with NJ

In this 1:1 session, we’ll dive deep into your unique circumstances and create a personalized plan to help you master all you have to do. This bonus will not be available in the future.


Task Triage 

This is a live call with NJ to help you immediately get out of overwhelm and into flow. You’ll know exactly what to work on next so your mind can finally settle down and focus. This will be held prior to the first class to help you create space for actually doing the work in the program.


Stress-Free Success Subliminal

This is a video recording designed to help you release guilt and embrace personal downtime without the fear of missing out. Here you will learn to cultivate a mindset that values rest and self-care.


Procrastination to Progress

This is a live, interactive Masterclass designed to help you overcome procrastination so you actually make progress on what you want to do.


Access to the next live cohort 

As the program grows we’ll need to cut off access to the live coaching. You’ll have access to the entire next cohort, including live coaching calls. This will allow you to learn and implement this content at an even deeper level and allow NJ to address any additional concerns or questions you may have.


Inbox Detox Masterclass

In our Inbox Detox Masterclass, we’ll guide you step-by-step to clear out thousands of emails—live and in real-time! No more losing emails in your overflowing inbox. You'll clean out thousands of emails in just an hour.

Get Your Free Bonuses Today By Signing Up for The Time Freedom Accelerator Program!



Kirsten Verdi
Veronica Baca
Terra Joy

You could hire a productivity coach for well over $3,000 for hours of coaching you’ll get in this program. But here’s the truth: Most coaches don’t offer the hands-on guidance you need to create lasting change. 

That’s where the Time Freedom Accelerator comes in.

For just
$1997 $797 you’ll get a complete system, plus personalized support to ensure these strategies become lifelong habits. This is more than a program - it’s a life-changing investment. 

Don’t spend another day in overwhelm. Secure your spot in the Time Freedom Accelerator for just $275 today, and start your journey toward a life of control, clarity, and peace.

Choose between 3 easy monthly payments of $275 or save with a one-time payment of $1997 $797. This is more than an investment in a program—it’s an investment in your life.

(3 $275 Monthly Payments OR $1997 $797 full payment)

P.S. For 3 months of 1:1 coaching, I normally charge $5,000.
So grab this deal while you can!

Money back guarantee

Here’s my zero-risk commitment to you…

I’m so confident in the Time Freedom Accelerator because I’ve lived it. If you put in the work and don’t see the transformation, I’ll personally make sure you get your money back. That’s my promise to you – 100% Money Back Guaranteed.

We're committed to your success and are here to ensure that you achieve the transformation you desire. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're dedicated to delivering results that exceed your expectations.

Let’s Recap!

Here’s everything you’ll get when you enroll today:

Three powerful training sessions, four live group coaching calls, plus five exclusive bonuses valued at over $7,500 - all for just $797. This is your chase to reclaim your time and live life on your terms.

Module 1

Create Boundaries to Focus
(4-hour class)

Build a framework that eliminates distractions and creates mental space to focus on what truly matters.

Module 2

Organize Incoming Tasks
(4-hour class)

Set up a system to manage the overwhelming number of tasks, turning chaos into clear priorities.

Module 3

Manage Your Information
(3-hour class)

Create a system to organize all the information you collect, ensuring everything you need is at your fingertips.

4 Weekly Group Coaching Calls

For personalized support as you implement the strategies, ensuring you stay on track and achieve your goals.

6 Exclusive Bonuses

to accelerate your success:

  • A 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with NJ.
  • Task Triage: A live call to help you create the bandwidth to work on this program and regain control.
  • Stress-Free Success Subliminal: A video recording to help you embrace personal downtime without guilt.
  • Procrastination to Progress Masterclass: A live, interactive session to help you overcome procrastination and get more done.
  • Additional Group Coaching: Access to live coaching calls for the next cohort, allowing you to deepen your learning and implementation.
  • Inbox Detox Masterclass: Join us for a live, step-by-step guide to clear thousands of emails in just an hour, so you'll never lose track of emails again!

Total Value: $7,515

What you’ll pay: $1,997! $797

(3 $275 Monthly Payments OR $797 full payment)

It’s time to make a decision…

You already know what life looks like without investing in this program… overwhelm, stress, and never-ending tasks. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. 

The Time Freedom Accelerator is your opportunity to take control and create the life you've always wanted. 

With only 20 spots available, this exclusive offer won’t last long. If you’re ready to transform your life, now is the time to act. Once these spots are filled, the doors close, and this opportunity will be gone.

Unlock your productivity potential for just $797

The Time Freedom Accelerator



Join us for the next
Time Freedom Accelerator
